At some point you decided not to continue using Amazon prime (say you are not finding it worth the monthly fee you pay, or simply you have watched all movies and shows that you wanted to see). Even after you decide to stop amazon prime auto renewal, it is natural that you would want to continue enjoying benefits of prime membership for the period for which you have already been charged. Amazon on its part has ensured that any user who chooses to cancel prime auto renewal would have to click and hop through multiple steps, making them reconsider their decision several times, overall making it a rather convoluted process. I made this post to provide a step-by-step illustration of this process. I have put relevant screen shots of each step on how to disable amazon prime auto renewal (at same time, not to miss out on prime benefits till end of current subscription period).
Post covers how to turn off Amazon prime auto renewal for both Paid and Free Trial users:
How to Disable Amazon Prime Auto Renewal
Step 1: Navigate to "Manage Your Prime Membership" page
From the Amazon sites Main/Home page, click on the “Accounts & Lists” drop down menu. Here you will “Your Prime Membership” link as shown in below image. Click on the same.

Step 2: Start the Auto renewal cancellation workflow
In the next page click on “End Membership and Benefits” (refer below screen).
Note that in this page you would also be able to check till how long is your membership valid under the “Renewal and Next Payment” field.
You can also know the date when the last renewal/payment was done for Amazon Prime under the section “Payment History” (and the method by which the payment was made, like which credit card was used to make the payment or any other method that you used while enrolling for Amazon Prime membership).

Step 3: Keep Going (Amazon is just trying to persuade you here)
You will get the below screen. Just click on “Continue to Cancel” (This is just an extra page to make you reconsider if you really want to stop auto renewal of amazon prime).

Step 4: The Final Click to end auto renewal
Now you would have reached the final confirmation page. You can also observe “Confirm membership cancellation” message displayed on the page.
You can also confirm from this page that your membership is not going to come to an end instantly, but rather at the end of the current subscription period. You would see this displayed on the last confirmation button, which would say “End on <month> <day>, <year>” (in below screen shot you can find the same mentioned as “End of March 13,2021”)

Step 5: Auto-renew cancellation confirmation page
In this page you will see a confirmation message “Auto-renew cancelled successfully”, and another message that says, “Your Prime membership will not auto-renew on <Month> <day>, <year>” (March 13, 2021) in below screen shot.
Now you can be assured that you won’t be charged by Amazon for Prime membership on expiry of current subscription period, while you can continue enjoying all the Amazon prime membership benefits till the expiry of the current membership term.

Step 6: If you want to double check cancellation
As an additional confirmation for amazon prime auto renew termination, you can visit Prime Membership page (“Your Prime Membership” link under “Accounts & Lists” drop menu – this is the same link that was mentioned in Step 1). Now you should see “Enable Auto-renew” instead of “End Membership and Benefits” (as shown in Step 2).
If you had a change of mind and decided to continue with Amazon prime membership just click on the “Enable Auto-renew” option you see in this page. This will resume the auto renewal feature for Amazon prime membership.

Cancelling Amazon Prime Free Trial
If you are on Prime free trial offered by Amazon, and intend to use it till last day of Prime free trial you need to be cautious. As with the case of paid Prime membership you do not have option to stop automatic renewal, you only have “Cancel immediately” option. Your Prime membership will come to an end as soon as you click on “Cancel immediately”, irrespective of number of days remaining till the end of free trial period. However, you have option to let Amazon remind you ahead of Free trial end date. I have shared the steps and options you have with screen captures below.
Step 1: Navigate to "Manage Your Prime Membership" page
From the Amazon sites Main/Home page, click on the “Accounts & Lists” drop down menu. Here you will “Your Prime Membership” link, Click on the same and go to your Prime Membership details page.
(You can refer to screen shot shown in step 1 in previous section)
Step 2: Start the Free Trial Cancel Workflow
In the Next screen you get you will find a link “End my Free Trial now”. Click on it (Refer below image). Among other things shown in this page you can also find when your free trial started and when you will be charged next (that is on the day of expiry of free trial). You can also see for what plan you will be charged and how much you will be charged (in case you are not ending your prime free trial).
In the below screen shot you can observe that Rs 999 will be charged (Yearly Amazon prime membership plan).

Step 3: Just a screen showing you Prime benefits
You would just see a screen that list out benefits of Prime membership, trying their best to consider you rethink your decision to cancel Prime membership.

Step 4: Option to Switch to Monthly Plan
Amazon tries persuading you again by asking to switch to a monthly plan (at Rs 129/month instead of Rs 999/year). You may either opt in for monthly plan continue to cancel as you choose. Below is screen shot of this step.

Step 5: The Final click to Cancel your membership
You would have reached the below screen now. Once you click “Cancel immediately” your Amazon prime membership would end instantly. As with the case of paid Prime membership you don’t have the option where in membership termination happens on the last day of validity period. However, you can make use of “Remind me later” option provided. You would be noted three days before Free trial ends. You can go ahead with the cancellation of your Prime membership trial after you get the notification.

Step 6: Cancellation Confirmation Page
Further to selecting “Cancel immediately” in previous step you free trial would be cancelled, and you should see the below page, and you can rest assured you will not be automatically charged towards Prime membership.

A Word of Caution!
If you plan to hold on to your Free Trial Prime membership to the last day of validity, be very cautious. If you miss to cancel it on time, BOOM you would be charged 999 Rs (Annual plan) on the payment method that you choose at the time of activating your free trial membership.
thankyou so much