A handful of listed companies in India rewards it shareholders by periodically offering discounts on their companies’ products. Relaxo footwear, Bata, Raymond are few such companies that offer exclusive shareholder discount coupons.
I hold shares of Relaxo footwear and received 5 Relaxo shareholder discount coupon this year. Every shareholder irrespective of number of shares held are provided with the discount codes. These are unique codes that could be used just one time and come with 1 year validity.
How are shareholder discount coupons sent to investors?
The discount codes are sent by email to investors. This would be the email address that you have provided to your stockbroker at the time of opening your DEMAT account. In case of Relaxo the coupon codes were sent from “Relaxo Insider Trading” (email ID: relaxo@relaxofootwear.com) with subject as “Discount Coupon for Shareholders”
When are the Shareholder Discount Coupons Sent?
In the case of Relaxo I got them after the 36th AGM (Annual General Meeting) on 21st October 2020. The next coupon code may be sent after the 37th AGM. Though the coupon codes were emailed on 21st October, the validity of them were effective 1st October. They came with a 1 year validity till i.e. till 30th September 2021.
On a similar note, another listed compnay Trident group (home textiles manufacturer) offers discount coupons to its shareholders on its “Mission Day”.
What is the Discount Offered by Shareholder Discount Code?
Relaxo offered 30% discount on their products. I had received 5 coupon codes. 2 codes were for purchase up to Rs 250 (Maximum discount of Rs 75), 2 codes were for purchase up to Rs 500 (Maximum discount of Rs 150), and 1 coupon for purchase up to Rs 1000 (Maximum discount of Rs 300).
The table you see below is as seen in the email communication from Relaxo. I am not planning to use these coupons. If any patron of RupeeMagnet.com wants these coupons just comment below on this blog post, we will share it.

Where can the shareholder discount coupons be encashed?
The discount coupons can be utilized both online and offline.
Online Redemption: Visit relaxofootwear.com, make your purchase and apply coupon code before making the payment (Relaxo used to operate www.shopatrelaxo.com for ecommerce / online sale, but now it redirects to www.relaxofootwear.com).
Offline Redemption: You must visit any of Relaxo’s company owned retail outlets and provide the coupon code before billing.
Drawbacks with Shareholder Discount Coupons
There is a catch with discount coupons offered to shareholders. These discount codes can be used only at company owned outlets and sites. These can’t be used for purchase at general retailers and e-commerce sites like Amazon, Flipkart.
Which Companies Give Discount Coupon to Shareholders?
Bata (Footwear & Accessories)
Raymond (Textile)
TTK Prestige (Cookers & Cookware)
Hawkins (Cookers & Cookware)
Bombay Dyeing (Textile)
Relaxo Footwear(Footwear)
Titan (Watches & Lifestyle)
IHCL – Indian Hotels Company Limited (Hospitality)
Trident Group (Home textile, Stationery)

Shareholder not Receiving Discount Coupons
The discount codes are sent via email to shareholders. This is the same email ID where the stockholder would be receiving the Annual report, Notice for Tax deduction at source (if you have received dividend from the stock you own), communication on e-voting.
If you have not received any of these mails, one possibility is you have a wrong email updated with your DP (i.e., your stockbroker). You can cross check with you DP on what is the email address updated in their records. If that does not help you can get in touch with the Companies RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agent – the likes of Link Intime, Karvy etc.)
What is the eligibility or atleast how much shares must be bought for getting these coupon from these companies like Raymond , Bombay dyeing etc ?
Just having one share is enough to be eligible to get these coupons!
It makes perfect sense to just buy one share and leave them idle in your Demat account to receive the share holder coupons.
is it possible to exchange these discount coupons into real cash.
Not possible to exchange for cash!
One needs to buy their product.
very nice information about shareholder discount coupons. I get more information about discount coupons after this information . Thank you for sharing such nice information.
i have these discount coupons but when i use them on relaxo site it shows an error saying invalid global coupan code can anyone please help me regarding the same. Thanks
Each coupon has a expiry date. Check once if the coupons you are using are past expiry date mentioned.
The expiry date will be mentioned as “Date End” in the email communication received from Relaxo.
I bought shares of Relaxo : I haven’t received any cupons yet
Hi Rajkumar, As on date I don’t hold any shares of Relaxo.
But the last time I received coupons was on 3/November/2021.
There were 5 coupons for 30% discount valid till 30/September/2022.
Yes I want to redeem this coupon, could you please share me coupon for 1000 rs shopping.