Table of Contents
What is CRED Bid Blast
Let us explain CRED Bid Blast in a very simple way. It is a game where you need to guess a number (this number is your “bid”). The winner is the player who picks the lowest number (for his bid) which is also unique (no other player should have used the same number for his/her bid).
To put it again in a nutshell, your bid (number you guess) should be both Unique and Lowest. That should explain the tagline used by CRED for Bid Blast “May the lowest unique bid win”. You can look at the how-to-play-cred-bid-blast section in this post for explanation with illustrious example on how to play Bid Blast and how the winner is decided.

On a minor note, we see several guys calling this CRED Big Blast. Oh, please it is CRED Bid Blast and not CRED Big Blast.
Prize for CRED Bid Blast Winner
The prize varies each day. The prize ranges from Apple iPhone, MacBook, to a variety of electronic gadgets including high end sound systems to expensive home appliances. The Bid Blast event happens each day. Each day there are several prize items that could be won (separate bid contest for each item).
When CRED started Bid Blast there were three prize items to bid for each day, subsequently it was increased to four. So, the good news is you have got four prize items that could be won every single day! The gadgets and gift hampers offered as prize are usually in the range of Rs 1,50,000 to 10,000.
Does it cost any money to place my ‘Bid’?
There is no money involved in any way to place your bid in the event. But you would need CRED coins to place your bids. You would have already earned CRED coins each time you paid a credit card bill. Moreover, the term ‘Bid’ just refers to the process of submitting the number you guessed. You are not bidding with any ‘real’ money here.
Who can play CRED Bid Blast
Any user who is CRED members can participate in CRED Bid Blast. Own a credit card but not yet a CRED member? Now is the time to join CRED. Visit CRED Referral code page to join CRED and earn up to Rs 1000 on your first credit card bill payment.
How to play CRED Bid Blast
You place your bids in ‘sets’. A ‘set’ is nothing but a group of 6 bid entries (‘bid’ is just the number which you guess and fill). You can submit 1 set of bids (6 number guesses) up to a maximum of 5 sets. To maximize your chances of winning you should submit all 5 sets, effectively submitting 30 bids (5 set X 6bids/set = 30).
While it does not cost you any ‘real’ money to place the bids, you would still need CRED coins to place the bids.
To submit your 1st bid set you would need 100 CRED coins
To submit 2nd bid set you would need 500 CRED coins
1000 CRED coins for 3rd bid set
1500 CRED coins for 4th bid set
2000 CRED coins for the 5th bid set.
By the way, after you submit a bid CRED gives you back some random number of coins back! For instance, when we tried placing 5 set of bids last time, we got back 277, 267, 438, 849, 1097 coins for set 1, set2, set3, set4 and set 5 respectively.
Illustration of winning bid
Consider below example bids from three different CRED users. In this case winning bid is 2001, making B the winner of bid blast. 2001 is the unique and lowest bid. Though 1000 is lower it is not a winning bid because it is not unique (both User A and B have bid this number).
Bid set from CRED user A: 1000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 5001, 5002
Bid set from CRED user B: 1000, 2001, 6001, 6002, 6003, 6004
Bid set from CRED user C: 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 4005, 10001
Tips for playing CRED Bid Blast
1. Don’t worry about submitting duplicate bid numbers. The CRED App’s Bid Blast game interface automatically rejects this.
2. Once you enter a bid you can’t modify it (You can view the placed bids anytime)
3. Tired of guessing a number and entering them one by one?
Relax! CRED provides an option to autofill random bids. Just look for the “AUTO PICK FOR ME!” option at the bottom of bidding screen and hit it.

4. Bid Blast starts at 6 PM each day. Bids can be placed till 3 PM of the next day. The winner would be announced immediately by around 3.15 PM.
5. After a particular Bid Blast event concludes, the next day’s Bid Blast starts again by 6 PM and goes on till 3 PM of next day. The cycle keeps repeating each day, but for different prize items.
6. Usually there are 4 different prize (some days there would only be 3) items to be won each day. For each prize item you can place up to 5 set of bids (with 6 numbers per set as mentioned already)
7. To place maximum possible bids using all 5 set you would nee a total of 5,100 CRED coins (100 + 500 + 1000 + 1500 + 2000)
8. If you want to bid for all the prize items of the day, you will need 5,100 X 4 = 20,400 CRED coins (Assuming there are 4 prize items to bid for on the given day, and you want to place maximum possible bids)
9. A CRED user who may have won Bid Blast once can continue to participate in the event (no restriction on number of times to participate)
10. To see the winning bid value after a particular day’s event concludes, you should have participated in that day’s event by submitting at least one bid set.
11. If you don’t have enough CRED coins to place a bid, you can share about bid blast with friends and family. This would allow you to place bid without using CRED coins.

Refer below for a detailed step by step video on How to play CRED Bid Blast and the process of placing bids in sets
Additional benefits for participating in CRED Bid Blast
Everyone who participates in Bid Blast is entitled for a set of special deals for 24 hours after the days event concludes. The deal would offer additional discounts on select products over and above the regular deal price of the product in CRED store.
Below are few special deals with additional discount for Bid Blast players
Lightning Data Cable, which has a MRP of Rs 399, CRED store price of Rs 249 is sold at a additional discount for Rs 189.

Khalas Dates, which has a MRP of Rs 330, CRED store price of Rs 248 is sold at a deep discount of Rs 119 for users who played bid blast.

Pro Tip to place effective bids (and increase winning chance)
We have been closely following CRED Bid Blast and have below observations. Feel free to improvise it with your own logic!!
- You can see the total number of bids received for a prize item while the Bid Blast event is in progress.
- In the past many winning bids has been roughly around one hundredth the value of total number of bids (meaning, divide the total number of bids received by 100)
Let us explain with an example: Say a total of 4,00,000 bids has been received in a Bid Blast event. Winning bid has been observed around 4,000 in this case. So, you could place your bids between 3,000 to 5,000.
PS: This is our personal interpretation based on past trends. - Winning bids were mostly even numbers. Probably many players tend to pick odd number for their bid, resulting in better winning chance for even number bids!
- Don’t be lazy and use “AUTO PICK FOR ME!” feature offered in CRED Bid Blast. Let us explain why. We tried Auto pick option twice for two different bid sets. The values auto filled were
1st bid set: 730522, 740, 40211, 57422, 5575, 53944
2nd bid set: 41314, 62, 24335, 55439, 911, 135
The numbers are either too big (like 730522, 57422) or small (like 62, 135). They don’t stand a chance to be the winning bid! Our personal recommendation would be to pick values in the range of 1/100th the value of total bids received. - Wait and watch the trend till around 2 PM and then submit your bid sets based on total bids received.
- Try to place all five bid sets to increase your winning chance. Submitting 5 bid increase your winning chance 5 times compared to just submitting one bid set.
- Apart from being able to see total bids submitted by other CRED Bid Blast players, you will also be able to see total users participating, break up of number of bids received for set 1 to set 5 as well.

- Participation by other CRED users (resulting in more competition) is slightly higher on weekend days.
- Observe the game trend for few days. Note what is the winning bid, total bids received each day to gauge the course of game. Fine tune your strategy based on it.
CRED Bid Blast for high value prize products
Periodically high end gadgets like MacBook, iPhone etc. would be prize item. These would be items which cost around Rs 1,50,000 or more. Bidding for them would need more CRED coins. To submit 1st Bid set you would need 10,000 CRED coins. 20,000 CRED coins for 2nd bid set. 30,000 for 3rd set, 40K for 4th set and 50K for the fifth set. You can’t place more than 5 bid sets in this case too.
Higher CRED coins to bid means lesser competition. CRED users with a large amount of CRED coins accumulated can use this opportunity to burn CRED coins. As with the case of regular Bid Blast events for each bid submitted you would win back a random amount of CRED coins in this case too.
The CRED coins won back would be higher in this case compared to a normal bid blast event. To give an example when we placed 5 bid sets, we got back 3956, 8322, 12448, 15580 and 1938 coins from 1st to 5th bid set respectively.

How real and genuine is CRED Bid Blast
We would say CRED Bid Blast is not a pure game of luck. There is a scope to increase your winning chance by following game trend, make a calculated guess accordingly. A person utilizing all five bid sets for all prize items each day with a thoughtful guess process stands a chance with winning the CRED Bid Blast one day or other.
For persons with lot of accumulated CRED coins this guessing game with numbers is a fun way to burn CRED coins!
One need not have any doubts if CRED Bid Blast is genuine or not! The Bid Blast winners are announced each day around 3.15 PM. All CRED users would come to know who the winners are with their real names and profile pics as well. The info can be checked in the CRED App once declared.
Have any thoughts or queries on CRED Bid Blast? Please drop a comment below and we would get back to you. Happy Bidding!!